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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

Muslim scholars are saying that body scanners at airports should not be allowed because it goes strictly against their teachings. The scanners show nude images of the human body which according to the FCNA (The Fiqh Council of North America) is against the teachings of decency and modesty in all religions and cultures. The institution said that it is very wrong in Islam for another man or woman to see other men or women naked. The Qur'an, the religious book of Islam, wants all followers of the faith to cover their private regions and dress modestly. If there is an extreme necessity then the body scans may be done, but they are now quite at that level yet. The institution wants scanners to be altered so only body outlines are produced instead of specific details. A better way they said is to use pat-down searches. The Fiqh Council helps teach the Islamic Law in North America along with the Islamic Society of North America.

This is unfair to some extent as people's privacy is at stake here. Unfortunately it is not only Muslims, but all brown skinned people who are being targeted at airports as suspects of terrorism. Their integrity, pride and now in this case privacy is being taken away when they are taken to full scanning and searching sessions. This is really ruthless in the case of Muslim women as it is clearly stated in the Qur'an that women must be covered at all time so much so to the extent that they are not even allowed to reproduce in some parts of extreme Islamic regions. When they get to the airport, they are suddenly completely uncovered.


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