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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two U.S. Soldiers Killed In Southern Afghanistan

Yesterday, two american soldiers were killed by an improvised explosive device (a purposely set hand made bomb) in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The location was a prime spot amidst the fight between the Taliban and the Western Continental troops. The deaths were only reported on Wednesday in Afghanistan but no other specific details were given. In another district in Afghanistan, Garmsir, on Tuesday, Talibans admitted to having killed 9 other soldiers and others as well. The only problem that there seems to be with this is that the Talibans usually tend to exaggerate with their reports over the telephone because no one can harm them for what they say or do over the phone. They are almost unreachable. The Afghanistan government officials are also saying they don't remember hearing about these "new" attacks. In the month of February, a total of 5 troops have been killed. In January, 45 troops were killed. These stats are much greater than last year's at the same time. However last year, there were a total of 520 troops killed, one of the worst times for the U.S and also for the Afghan civilians because of the danger of roadside bombs. They were provided by icasualties.org which is a organization keeping track of the army's casualties. This death increasing death toll is the cause of U.S.A. sending more and more troops for reinforcements. The Afghani government wants the Talibans to give up once in for all to end the fight.

The fact that the U.S. is even considering to keep deploying troops to the already beaten country of Afghanistan is not a good stand. The Western Hemisphere has power but that does not mean they can use it in excess. If the Talibans are not giving in to the Afghani government it is not the business of the Americans to come in and try and stop them. It is up to Afghanistan and neighboring countries who Afghanistan calls for help herself. Adjoining to this, the U.S. knows it is basically sending men on suicide missions then why continue this act of letting men, television reporters, and Afghan civilians die in terrible roadside bomb accidents. If the Western countries moved out, then the Talibans would not lay out roadside bombs anymore to kill them or innocent people.


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