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Monday, February 1, 2010

More Than 300 People Linked To Suspected Case Of Citizenship Fraud

The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mountain Police) suspects something strange is happening after over 300 people claimed to live at the same address in Mississauga, Ontario. The address is in the same building as the Palestine House which helps new immigrants learn the languages they need and is also a lawyer in the favor of Palestinian and Arabic cases in the court. According to the Globe and Mail, citizenship judges were warned to look out for more applications for that address. This case of massive citizenship fraud is starting to be a problem for the Canadian government. The government thinks this is due to the fact that in some countries salaries vary on the passport someone may have. That is why some people want the Canadian passport and then might go back to for example Dubai where they would get paid more as they are an employee with a Canadian passport. The problem resides in the fact that the Palestine House is not a residential building. It is a learning centre to which the government paid a huge sum of money last year for helping teach English. The building manager said that the private offices on the upper floors are only sharing a roof with the Palestine House. It has nothing to do with those rooms. It is not known how many of the 300 or more applicants were actually accepted however it is possible they were simply using the Palestine House as an address to get citizenship.

This is simply an outrageous case on behalf of the Canadian government. What the 300 immigrants applying for Palestine House are doing could simply be a prank to warn Canada to tighten up its social security, or could be a address put in place meanwhile they are waiting for their 3 year residence before the granted citizenship to end. The RCMP should simply figure this out by individually somehow meeting with the 300 or more applicants and getting them to give a reason for why they applied for the Palestine House. If the cases turn out to be indeed a massive case of fraud immigration then the RCMP and the Canadian government has the right to deport these 300 people back to where they came from. It should be understood that the Western Hemisphere is not a place to be used for such as getting a passport and taking advantage of the status in an Eastern country for higher salary.


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