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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pakistan Rocked by 2 Bombs

The Shi'a Muslims, one of the two types of Islamic people, were targeted in Karachi, one of the biggest cities in Pakistan. The second bomb blasted in front of the hospital where survivors from the first blast were. 22 people were killed and 50 were wounded. The police chief Waseem Ahmad had trouble calming the Shia's in the grand city down. The first bomb blasted on a motorcycle which was close to a bus that drove by full of Shi'a Muslims. The second one was in front of Jinnah Hospital as reported by witness Imran Ahmad. The effects of the first blast were a torn and twisted motorcycle, a broken bus, and nearby shattered windows in buildings. Another police official said that the bus had mainly women and children on their way to attend a religious festival. Of what is known from the doctors, around 11 bodies were brought to the nearby hospitals. The cause of these riots that have happened before is thought to originate from Sunni Extremists who are the other type of Islamic people and unfortunately a majority in the country. These two sects of Islam generally maintain peace however Extremists are always on the rise and do disturb relations. The Talibans, which are strongly Sunni, use this port city of Pakistan for their leisure and finance.

I simply think that it is one of the worst things that has ever been declared on the news channel or written about in an article. The Talibans like attention, like all other Extremists and occasionally is even what terrorists want. They don't care about their representation in the world but if their name is in fame, they will do anything to keep upto it. From another viewpoint, honestly the Pakistanis should cease this turmoil. In the past year they have also bombed Mumbai, one of the largest and most economically successful cities in India. The religion of Islam is steadily being destroyed due to what the Talibans and other Extremists have done to it. Arguments and violence to the point of bombs are being created because of the difference between two major sects in the same religion.

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