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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Alberta Mother Charged In Slaying Of Sons

A mother recently killed her two boys in a house in Millet, Alta in Alberta. The RCMP found their bodies. The woman's name is Allyson Louise McConnell. She is 31 years old and charged with two cases of second-degree murder of her sons Jayden (10 months old) and Connor (2 and a half years old). Corporal Wayne Oakes of the RCMP said that the police was forced to wait 3 weeks before putting a charge on Allyson because they had to do the investigation diligently as a duty. For now McConnel is is custody and will attend court in Wetaskiwin on March 16th. Her custody is in a medical facility from where she will be put into a correctional facility once the doctors think she can be moved. Oakes said that McConnell has not given a consent to speak about her and privacy laws also do not allow the relase of ay further information. Curtis McConnell, Allyson's husband found his dead sons in the bathtub at the house. No other information is revealed.

This story is sadly a true reflection of human nature. The fact that a mother who should be caring and warm to the heart can become so upset in a way about something that would lead her to kill her own sons is astonishing. I believe women who have a potential anger problem or maybe other social aggrevating issues should think twice before giving birth or reproducing for that matter. It is very likely that a woman or man with high stress levels and social and job issues in their life will be more aggressive towards humanity or generally become so disconnected with society, that they get the urge to do things out of extreme feelings. Additionally the worst part about this murder is that the mother killed a almost newborn and a 2 and a half year child; that is highly sickening.

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