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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Concern rising over oil tankers n Vancouver waters

Vancouver's Burrard Inlet is getting more oil tankers every day and in light of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, there is some rising concern amongst environmentalists. According to the Port Metro in Vancouver, the amount of oil on these tankers has tripled. Almost 65 tankers pass annually now. Bill Gannon, a retired environmentalist wants this to stop completely. Kinder Morgan in Alberta, sends the oil by pipe to a tanker terminal in Burnaby. The oil spill, according to Gannon, could kill all the fish, bad for the fishing industry, and the beaches would be gone. The harbour is deciding on now changing the pathway under the second bridge to reduce chances of an accident, but that will allow for more oil on each tanker. Kinder Morgan is saying they have a 50 year safety record and so he wants to double the amount of oil. Accidentally a construction crew broke one of the pipes spraying oil on 50 homes and sending oil into Burrard Inlet. Then much later, 200000 liters of oil came out of a storage tank on Burnaby Mountain and went into a containment bay where it was stopped before reaching the environment.

The idea of oil spills is not particularly not a good one for the enviroment. The least we can do is not to carry so much oil at once across vast stretches of water near residence. It can harm a tremendous amount of wildlife which affects the fishing industry as well. The same process can be carried out with less efficiency but with more environmental safety. Additionally some tankers should be removed. Less tankers and less oil on each one with more trips is a better equation.


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