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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

U.S. man charged with faking his way into Harvard, duping school out of $45,000 in funds

In Woburn, Massachusetts, a 23 year old man origninally from Delaware was charged with faking into Harvard. Adam Wheeler became a student there in 2007 after he gave false claims of his pefect academic record in Philipps Academy and his one year of studying in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Wheeler's will to do better and accomplish more is what got him caught. He went for the Rhodes and Fulbright Scholarship which is when Harvard started looking his writing. They found some connections with another colleague. He received 20 offences involving identity fraud. Wheeler was trying to transfer to Yale or Brown as an English student when he got caught. District Attorney Gerry Leone is concerned about the fact that many students must have lost unfairly in the competition to get into these schools. His transfer applications included fake recommendations from an employee at McLean Hospital and the Dean of Harvard. Harvard must keep this case under secrecy due to legal rights. Looking back into Wheeler's past, it was found that he was expelled from Bowdoin College in 2007 for cheating.

Why people still continue this disgraceful act of cheating strikes me honestly. It is not needed in the simplistic world of education where idealism should be prevalent. What doesn't make sense in fact is what sense of accomplishment does one get by cheating his way into one of the top schools in the world. It is a very true story and common tale that the more lies one says, the more he tangles himself in his web of lies and soon he is caught himself. The idea of this perfect academic record, SAT score, international scholarships, seemed a little strange to some authorities and in his will to do more, the violator, Wheeler, got himself caught. This leads onto the idea of greed runing someone. Ifhe had only cheated into getting into Harvard but hadn't made fake transfer applications and tried for scholarships, then he would not be in such deep trouble. However he carried events a bit far and I feel he should pay dire consequences for cheating on the numerous other honest students who could have taken his place at Harvard or Yale and Brown.


1 comment:

  1. I really hate people like this; considering how hard we work to dream about getting in those Ivy League schools, where this guy just lies about everything and steals that spot so easily. It is so unfair for all those competing. In additional to what Pranav said, this greedy guy must be punished harshly for what he had done. He’s violating all other students’ rights to compete fairly. Taking a look at his record, I cannot think about how he would possible be studying in Harvard for two years. I guess it is his destiny to get caught; he had gone far enough. Sorry to say this, but I hope he gets in tons of trouble and never be able to lie again.
