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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama to send troops to U.S.-Mexico border

Almost 1200 National Guard troops will be sent by the Obama administration to the U.S.A. and Mexico border today to improve security. Gabrielle Gilfords, the Democratic Representative, said that Obama will use $500 billion for securing borders alone. John McCain, Republican senator, will pay for half of the troops moving there. The governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, only recently found out about this move to her state. 4 years earlier, George Bush had sent in troops in a similar fashion for the arrestation of illegal immigrants but this plan had not worked ver efficiently. The plan had been to keep these troops there until professional agents arrived. The project had cost $1.2 billion at the time. After National Guard arrived, traffic rates dropped significantly at the border and politicians aspire to stop Mexico's illegal drug smuggling from spilling over in the United States. A small number of officers still continue to stay there.

This is very important for the overall protection of the Southern United States as due to the fact that Mexico has a very rate of poverty, it would seem certain that illegal immigration, law breaking, drug dmuggling, etc... would be bery common at the border. To end this both President Bush and Obama are doing the right thing. However, I feel that the use of such a large amount of money in excessive training is virtually useless and irrelevant to the situation of problems at the border. When simple police officer training is ideally enough for border guards, why spend more money for extra training that won't be used very commonly. It is as if President Obama expects special cases at the border. Otherwise overall, this is generally a good idea for the safety of the country.


1 comment:

  1. I, too, have the same idea as you. The US government should stop people from Mexico to illegally pass the border because those people might do anything illegal to earn money. I think every Mexican that crosses the border illegally is suffering poverty. Those guys can do anything to survive: kidnapping, drug smuggling into Southern United States would often happen if they do not do anything to the border. Therefore, I believe the decision US's government made is the ideal choice to avoid problems in the future.
