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Monday, May 3, 2010

If aliens call, they better wear armour

In 1911 a rock fell from space and killed a dog in Egypt. UFO sighting were reported often after that. The rock was found to be from Mars later on. Stephen Hawking, one of the world's most famous astrophysicists, said that he believed that aliens existed but having contact with them would be dangerous. He says, somehwat like Earth, their resources were diminishing and they had to build spaceships to roam space looking for more. Hawking beleives they can be considered nomads looking to conquer other planets. He compared it to the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America which didn't go well for the native americans. According to numerous surveys done, 20% of people beleive that aliens exist. The survey was done on 23, 000 adults across 22 countries and 40% + of Indians and Chinese beleived they walked among them in disguise. Paul Davies, a distinguished physicist and cosmologist, beleives that the aliens would be in trouble if they landed on Earth because humans are very intolerable to differences, even minor ones such as race, color, ethnicity. "The Vatican's chief astronomer said that there was no contradiction in believing in God and the possibility of 'terrestrial brothers'." It is strongly now beleived that both God and extraterrestrials exist as God created aliens too.

The existence of aliens has been in global media for so long now it is remotely apprehensible. Movies such as E.T. try to depict what aliens look line but these are only vast generalizations like humans have on other humans themselves. Davies's idea that humans are intolerable to everything is interesting but I feel that it may not be correct in the idea of aliens vs. humans. Although humans can become violent based on minute differences, the idea of aliens would scare humans and now it's not about being different, its about imagining lasers, rays, huge spaceships and being abducted and so on. These fantasies take place in the form of fear and replace all differences. Instead of fighting more violently, I beleive we would be running while some major global economies like the United States would risk using nuclear technology to retaliate. Another interesting idea is that of the Vatican's astronomers. They beleive that although aliens may look different, they were still created and since all is created by God, aliens as well as God must exist.

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