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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

India, Pakistan to hold talks in July

This July, former two rivals, India and Pakistan are going to meet to talk about peace. This has to be done to assure normality between the two countries after the Mumbai bombings which were done by Pakistani terrorists. The Foregin Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, and the External Affairs Minister of India, S.M. Krishna, have both agreed to this meeting in the capital of Pakistan on July 15th, Islamabad. This is based on an earlier meeting in late April when both the Indian and Pakistani prime minister (Manmohan Singh and Yousaf Raza Gilani) met. Singh was discussing how anti-India terrorist groups in Pakistan remained a threat. Gilani responded with saying that Pakistan was trying to do a fast trial as possible for the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba who killed 160 people dead in the Mumbai attacks. The "composite dialogue" which was a peace process in 2004 called for discussion over the Kashmir terrorism and Indian river dams which block water from reaching Pakistan. Four rounds of diplomatic meetings have already proceeded over this.

Two wars have been fought between these countries since 1947 over Kashmir and the latest, being the terrorist attacks. I feel it is time for Pakistan to close this case up as fast as possible by capturing the extremist group in their country. This rash history has been destroying the once fruitful relationship that they shared before 1947. To some extent, it is a matter of religion and the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba being extremist Muslims wishing to expand their religion. If these hopes can be accommodated in another way other than violence, this history would be ceased.

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